Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Birthday Mystery!!!!

Basketball season is over!!! What , What! That is my reaction when I get excited about things, please excuse it, and forget I ever said it. You are all just lucky you don't have to witness my dancing when I get really happy. It is like a tribal indian dance gone bad. I'll stop there.

Anyway, I need your help in figuring out a mystery. You better believe I'm going all Nancy Drew on you. (by the way, I always dreamed of being Nancy Drew.... solving mysteries with Ned and driving my convertible around town- I guess I came close.... driving my first car a Datsun which broke down every 30 miles around town with my 6ft 6 future Coach squished in it, and trying to solve the mystery of how to get it home... a girl can dream).

Back to my mystery!!!!  Over the last month I have been receiving letters from an unmarked sender at my house. Each piece of mail has an individual letter(alphabet letter) in the envelope. Luckily I recognized the handwriting, or I would have been really freaked out. (Of course it is my sister! She is a student teacher right now. Who else would decorate the envelopes with colored markers and hearts?) She has been sending me these random letters now each week, and I have no idea what they are supposed to spell.

My birthday is this Sunday, and apparently these letters are supposed to give me a clue about what she is getting me for my birthday. I thinks she thinks it is fun to torment me :)  There is a final letter that arrived yesterday, that I am not allowed to open until tomorrow, and she said I cannot have my gift unless I figure out the clues :( 

Well, I cannot figure out what the letters could spell, so I am asking for your help!!!! I've been given a hint that it could be an acronym..... Still doesn't help.  (And no this is not cheating! You are just helping in the process! Just don't tell my sister. ) 


Anonymous said...


How about



I say cheat and open the envelope.

kyna said...

NKOTB --- new kids on the block...were you a fan back in the day?

Sure there are a few left over letters, but that is what I "saw".


YAY for basketball season being over! I am doing a little happy dance of my own! :)

Juliet said...

Kyna! You are right! Its KNOTB BSB, New Kids on the Block and Back Street Boys! They are currently touring are one lucky lady!

Autumn said...

Kyna you are sooo smart! Great job. Juliet, you were right about the Backstreet Boys too! I'm so excited!!!! Thanks for all of the help y'all!!!

Landonb said...

I think the first guy was right; SNOT KBOB! ;P It does sound delicious, doesn"t it?! ;) lol!